A Heart Shaped Engagement Ring is a beautiful, unique choice for an engagement ring. A heart shaped ring can be worn as a symbol of love for a significant other, or it can be worn to celebrate friendships and family bonds. Whatever the meaning, a heart-shaped engagement ring is sure to bring joy and happiness to the wearer.
Like other fancy shapes, heart shaped diamonds are available in a variety of sizes and cuts. When shopping for a heart-shaped diamond, look for one with excellent symmetry and proportions. This means that the curved halves of the heart should match perfectly and the cleft, lobes and point should be sharp and distinct.
Heart-Shaped Engagement Rings: A Romantic Symbol of Love
Because of their distinctive silhouette, heart-shaped diamonds may require more attention to detail than other shapes. It’s particularly important to choose a diamond with an excellent cut grade. This means a high clarity and color grade—ideally a D or higher—to help highlight the heart-shaped silhouette.
In addition, look for a setting that protects the point of the heart-shaped diamond. This part of the diamond is most vulnerable to damage because it’s often exposed and can catch on objects or clothing. Be sure to read our article on protective ring settings to learn more about how to find the best solution for your heart-shaped diamond.